Welcome to my new bargain blog. I hope that you can enjoy my adventures in bargaining as much as I do!! Maybe you can get some ideas from me as I have gotten ideas from countless others in "blog-land."

If you are new to bargaining and don't know where to begin, gather your goods and head to Kroger!! They are having a MEGA sale, and in my area it is running through April 15. (For me, this means plenty of time for the coupons I ordered to arrive.) The basic idea of the sale is that for every 10 participating items you buy, $5 is deducted from your receipt (limit 3 times per transaction). They have the participating deals divided into 4 groups: $1, 1.50, 2, 2.50. LOTS of these items match up quite nicely with coupons. Today I did one transaction with 30 items, and I actually had coupons for 21 of these items in my binder already. (I'll post about my binder on a later date...it is truly a thing of beauty that I have perfected on maternity leave.) I don't remember the values of all my coupons, but here is the list of what I got for $33.39:
Kraft Shredded Cheese-5 bags
New York Texas Toast-1 box
Betty Crocker Potatoes- 2 boxes
Betty Crocker Brownie Mix- 4 boxes
Betty Crocker Cookie Mix- 4 bags (I make these for my kiddos at school)
100 Calorie Pack Alpha Bit cookies- 2 boxes (C's favorite)
Cheez Its- 4 Boxes (Frank and C go through these like water)
Welch's Grape Juice- 1 bottle
Zip Lock bags- 2 boxes
Windex- 2 bottles
Special K Red Berry- 1 box
Peter Pan Peanut Butter- 1 jar
Progresso Soup- 1 can
It was SO much fun!!! My cashier was totally uninterested in all of my coupons until she saw my total, and then she was wanting tips on how she could do that too. I had a savings of 68%...pretty good!!!
You are sooooo funny!!!!!!
Can't wait to keep up w/another blog. Haha!!
I am so excited about your new blog!!
Emily! I had no idea you were a bargain shopper! I am OBSESSED with finding the right deals. I have a coupon binder, too!! Do you CVS? I love ECBs! I hit the mega Kroger sale today and spent $66 and saved $64! This blog of yours thrills me. :)
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