Here is what "works for me" this week...my Coupon Binder. If you ever see me out shopping, you will see this red binder in my cart. I don't leave home without it...we would HATE to miss a bargain now wouldn't we??!!
It is just a basic zippered binder...to ensure that nothing falls out. Lot's of times, I'll put the coupons I know that I will be using on a particular trip in this outside mesh pocket for super easy access.

I've got the coupons in baseball card inserts. There are subdivided and color coded by type. I swear I'm not OCD. This is truly one of the only organized things in my life. I'm trying to get everything as organized at this, but hey, one step at a time!!

The inside cover has these nifty dividerish (how's that for a word??) sections. I use them to put the weekly adds, my wallet (that super cute zebra item you see...from Apple Annie's, of course!), and larger items like formula checks.

I was trying to get a good shot of the divider tabs. The pink ones are for personal items (make-up, lotion, facial, Soap/deo, shaving, hair, dental, feminine), the orange ones are meds (pain, misc., cold/allergy, stomach, vitamins), the green ones are food (produce, frozen, refrig, meat/dairy, beverage, baking, snacks, cereal, canned/boxed, condiments), the yellow are household (house cleaning, home fragrance, dishes, laundry, paper products), and the blue on is baby items.

I also have a CVS Section in the back. This is how I keep up with my ECBs. I have more than this, but I haven't filed my last receipt or 2. Behind this I also have a Kroger section for coupons that are specific to Kroger.

I just recently started the CVS "game." I think I'm hooked!
Ahh, you and I are so very much alike! Hee!
About the only coupons I tend to ever use are the Bed Bath and Beyond ones - but only a few times a year. Since I shop for just my husband and I, I tend not to use coupons - but I will say -- YOU have a FANTASTIC System!! Bravo!
Have a Great Day!
Fantastic system!
You are my hero... I have got to be more organized. I have hope, thanks to you.
I call myself "freakishly organized" so please consider it a an honor to be be called a "fellow freak" when it comes to coupon organization.
excellent! I'm taking some ideas from you, cause you are "all that."
I really like this filing system! Even Abbey doesn't understand that whole glucose monitor thing, but alas, I am the thrifty one in the house and how can you say "no" to a full rebate, plus $14.99 in ECBs! I still don't understand the Kroger thing!
Very nice!!! Would you ind sharing where you got all the supplies?
Oh my goodness! I am SO jealous of your organization. I don't know that I could dream that up if I wanted to!
Nice work!
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oh my gosh that is so funny! that is what i posted my wfmw about today!! i swear i was not copying off of you! great minds think alike!
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