Yes, I'm still here!!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I've been so caught up in playing with my boys while we're out of school for the summer! Here's something to show all of my favorite bargain lovers...I got all of this stuff free in the mail last week!! How fun is that!!! You gotta love freebies!!!! (And yes, you do see a free condom do what ya gotta do!!!)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Freebies by mail...
Yes, I'm still here!!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I've been so caught up in playing with my boys while we're out of school for the summer! Here's something to show all of my favorite bargain lovers...I got all of this stuff free in the mail last week!! How fun is that!!! You gotta love freebies!!!! (And yes, you do see a free condom do what ya gotta do!!!)
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
School's almost out...
Please accept my apologies for the lack of blogging!! There are only 2 more weeks of school, and then you will see the blogging dramatically's just too much for my brain right now!! Just wanted to let you know that I'm still here and bargaining things up. I also wanted to remind you about Revolution Money Exchange. You only have 8 more days to sign up and get $25 free!! If you choose to sign up, please use the button on the right side of my page. You will definitely want to have an account this summer, because I'll be opening a "Blog Shop," and it will accept payments through Revolution Money Exchange. I can't give you any more details about my shop, you'll just have to wait and see!!!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Make $25 in 2 minutes...
Look out PayPal...Here comes Revolution Money Exchange!! We all knew it was just a matter of time before PayPal got a little friendly competition...ya gotta love America!! In order to get as many people as possible to set up accounts, Revolution Money Exchange is GIVING you $25 for just setting up an account...this is LEGIT. I have checked it out quite have many many others! The $25 can either be kept in your RME account, or you can choose to have it transferred to your checking account, or they'll send you a check. Also, if you refer someone else to sign up, you get an additional $10. You can't go wrong!!! So, if you have a spouse you can sign up, you could get $10 for referring him/her plus his/her $25 along with your original $25...that's $60 in 5 minutes!!! If you sign up, I would appreciate it if you click the green button at the top of my blog and let me refer you. Just wanted to share this awesome opportunity with you!!
To my CVSers out there...
Here's some GREAT news...a new $3 of $15 coupon is out, and it's good until JUNE!!!!! Yippee Yea!! Thanks Money Saving Mom for getting the info out there for us!
Here's how to get yours:
This Awesome Tip comes from LaVonne over at Economic Endeavors!! Check her blog out!
This was just posted by Money Saving Mom
Here's how to get yours:
::Register for a free 7-day trial of the washingtonpost e-replica. Once you register, you'll need to confirm your email address.
::After you've confirmed, click on the current issue and then hover over the date and go to 4/24/08.
::Scroll down to the very last page of the 4/24/08 issue (page 128) and THERE IT IS! Your very own $3/$15 coupon!
::Hover over the print button and click on "print custom area." Highlight the coupon area and print it. You can also email the page to yourself and you will get an email with a link directly to this page.
This was just posted by Money Saving Mom
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Cleaning List...

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Bloggy Giveaways Giveaway Carnival...
Be sure to check out the Giveaway Carnival over at Bloggy Giveaways this week (it starts Monday)!! I would recommend adding this blog to you daily check could win some cute stuff. Be sure to come back and let me know if you end up winning something!!! Have fun at the Carnival.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The Binder...

Here is what "works for me" this Coupon Binder. If you ever see me out shopping, you will see this red binder in my cart. I don't leave home without it...we would HATE to miss a bargain now wouldn't we??!!
It is just a basic zippered ensure that nothing falls out. Lot's of times, I'll put the coupons I know that I will be using on a particular trip in this outside mesh pocket for super easy access.

I've got the coupons in baseball card inserts. There are subdivided and color coded by type. I swear I'm not OCD. This is truly one of the only organized things in my life. I'm trying to get everything as organized at this, but hey, one step at a time!!

The inside cover has these nifty dividerish (how's that for a word??) sections. I use them to put the weekly adds, my wallet (that super cute zebra item you see...from Apple Annie's, of course!), and larger items like formula checks.

I was trying to get a good shot of the divider tabs. The pink ones are for personal items (make-up, lotion, facial, Soap/deo, shaving, hair, dental, feminine), the orange ones are meds (pain, misc., cold/allergy, stomach, vitamins), the green ones are food (produce, frozen, refrig, meat/dairy, beverage, baking, snacks, cereal, canned/boxed, condiments), the yellow are household (house cleaning, home fragrance, dishes, laundry, paper products), and the blue on is baby items.

I also have a CVS Section in the back. This is how I keep up with my ECBs. I have more than this, but I haven't filed my last receipt or 2. Behind this I also have a Kroger section for coupons that are specific to Kroger.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
March Monthly Baby Steppin...
This is the first of our monthly financial goal updates. In March we were able to set aside $1000 for our beginner emergency fund. Now it's on to Baby Step 2...Pay off debt. This will be a BIG Baby Step, but with prayer, patience, and perseverance, I have faith that by grace we will accomplish this goal. When I think of paying off debt, it seems like a huge task, but we'll just take it one day at a time, one dollar at a time. It reminds me of the old saying... "How do you eat an entire elephant? Just one bite at a time!"
Saturday, April 5, 2008
It's a birthday giveaway!!!

Mommin' it up! is hosting a birthday baby give-away!! One of those cute girls, Emily (not me), had a baby this week, and they are having a give-away to celebrate. Head on over to get signed up...hurry, it ends tonight!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Kroger: $96.64 for $33.39!!! WOO HOO!!!
Welcome to my new bargain blog. I hope that you can enjoy my adventures in bargaining as much as I do!! Maybe you can get some ideas from me as I have gotten ideas from countless others in "blog-land."
If you are new to bargaining and don't know where to begin, gather your goods and head to Kroger!! They are having a MEGA sale, and in my area it is running through April 15. (For me, this means plenty of time for the coupons I ordered to arrive.) The basic idea of the sale is that for every 10 participating items you buy, $5 is deducted from your receipt (limit 3 times per transaction). They have the participating deals divided into 4 groups: $1, 1.50, 2, 2.50. LOTS of these items match up quite nicely with coupons. Today I did one transaction with 30 items, and I actually had coupons for 21 of these items in my binder already. (I'll post about my binder on a later is truly a thing of beauty that I have perfected on maternity leave.) I don't remember the values of all my coupons, but here is the list of what I got for $33.39:
Kraft Shredded Cheese-5 bags
New York Texas Toast-1 box
Betty Crocker Potatoes- 2 boxes
Betty Crocker Brownie Mix- 4 boxes
Betty Crocker Cookie Mix- 4 bags (I make these for my kiddos at school)
100 Calorie Pack Alpha Bit cookies- 2 boxes (C's favorite)
Cheez Its- 4 Boxes (Frank and C go through these like water)
Welch's Grape Juice- 1 bottle
Zip Lock bags- 2 boxes
Windex- 2 bottles
Special K Red Berry- 1 box
Peter Pan Peanut Butter- 1 jar
Progresso Soup- 1 can
It was SO much fun!!! My cashier was totally uninterested in all of my coupons until she saw my total, and then she was wanting tips on how she could do that too. I had a savings of 68%...pretty good!!!

Kraft Shredded Cheese-5 bags
New York Texas Toast-1 box
Betty Crocker Potatoes- 2 boxes
Betty Crocker Brownie Mix- 4 boxes
Betty Crocker Cookie Mix- 4 bags (I make these for my kiddos at school)
100 Calorie Pack Alpha Bit cookies- 2 boxes (C's favorite)
Cheez Its- 4 Boxes (Frank and C go through these like water)
Welch's Grape Juice- 1 bottle
Zip Lock bags- 2 boxes
Windex- 2 bottles
Special K Red Berry- 1 box
Peter Pan Peanut Butter- 1 jar
Progresso Soup- 1 can
It was SO much fun!!! My cashier was totally uninterested in all of my coupons until she saw my total, and then she was wanting tips on how she could do that too. I had a savings of 68%...pretty good!!!
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