Tuesday, April 8, 2008

March Monthly Baby Steppin...

This is the first of our monthly financial goal updates. In March we were able to set aside $1000 for our beginner emergency fund. Now it's on to Baby Step 2...Pay off debt. This will be a BIG Baby Step, but with prayer, patience, and perseverance, I have faith that by grace we will accomplish this goal. When I think of paying off debt, it seems like a huge task, but we'll just take it one day at a time, one dollar at a time. It reminds me of the old saying... "How do you eat an entire elephant? Just one bite at a time!"


Tate Family said...

We are RIGHT there with ya, girl! I feel like Baby Step 2 is around to stay for a while. ;)

JEff said...

Saw your post on Money Saving Mom! I love that site. I am loving some CVS and we are trying to knock out that debt! Now, if only insurance would pay for adoptions!

Melonie said...

Good for you! We're around the same accomplishments this month. Keep going! :-)